The #1 Best Coffee Combination to Lower Blood Sugar, Say Dietitians

Try this coffee hack if you want to keep your blood sugar levels stable throughout the morning.

Coffee is one of the most widely consumed beverages worldwide, and it's known for its bitterness, dark color, and light acidity. This caffeinated beverage contains antioxidants that can assist your body's ability to fight harmful free radicals while also giving you a boost of energy to help you focus. However, what you put in your coffee can significantly affect how much energy you get out of it. Typical sweeteners and coffee additives can significantly raise blood, which is essential for people with diabetes and those who don't want to experience blood sugar spikes and plummets, leaving you feeling tired.

While black coffee may elicit a slight rise in blood sugar for some, if you are looking for an enhancement for your coffee and want to stay mindful of blood sugar, the best coffee combination is a cup of joe with collagen and fiber.

How adding collagen and fiber to coffee can support blood sugar management.

When selecting any supplement to add to your coffee, make sure they are sugar-free to maximize blood sugar management. Collagen powder and fiber are the two we recommend.


Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body, and you may have friends using it for its skin and joint benefits. While there is research to back these perks, collagen is a protein source; it can also benefit your blood sugar.

One study conducted in rats found that marine collagen peptides improved glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity in those with Type 2 Diabetes. Protein generally positively affects blood sugar by slowing digestion and sugar release into the bloodstream.

Collagen is a relatively low-calorie way to add sugar-buffering protein to your coffee with some added health benefits.

Because all collagen products are animal-based, they may not be a good option for vegetarians and vegans. Protein powder can provide a similar blood sugar-stabilizing effect as collagen, but keep in mind that the protein powder is typically higher in calories and more likely to include added sugar.


In addition to collagen, a powdered fiber supplement can help keep blood sugar levels under control. While fiber is a carbohydrate, it is not digested and absorbed like other carbs, which can help you maintain a healthy blood sugar level. Most fiber supplements are primarily soluble fiber, the form that can help control blood sugar and is even documented to aid in cholesterol control, which may further benefit those with diabetes.

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