If Your Eyebrows Look Like This, Get Checked for Diabetes

German Researchers say it may signal a blood sugar imbalance.

Diabetes can affect your health in various ways, from your head to your toes, and experts are still learning about how it might affect your health. Some of the subtle ways your body responds as you become insulin resistant and sugar builds up in your bloodstream may surprise you. A team of German researchers believes a connection exists between the color of your eyebrows as you age and your diabetes risk. If you notice this one thing, they say, you should ask your doctor for a fasting glucose test. Read on to find out which surprising symptom raises eyebrows in the medical community and which other diabetes symptoms should be on your radar.

If you have gray hair, but your eyebrows haven't changed, get checked for diabetes.

According to a 2006 study in Germany, diabetes may affect your eyebrow color as you age—specifically, it may delay your graying. The researcher collected 100 men with gray hair, 50 of them had gray eyebrows, and the other 50 did not and compared the rates of diabetes in both groups. Seventy-six percent of the men with unchanged eyebrows had diabetes, whereas only 18 percent of the gray-browed men had a blood sugar imbalance. The lead study author, Uwe Wollina, M.D., Ph.D., said  at the time of the study's release, "Diabetes may cause a delay or inhibition of graying in the eyebrow hair follicles."

While the exact cause for this theorized delay is unknown and more research is needed to confirm the study's results, this is not the only way that diabetes can affect your hair follicles. Researchers have also found that those with diabetes are more likely to experience alopecia areata, which manifests in patches of hair loss.

Look out for these other symptoms of diabetes.

While eyebrow color may be linked to diabetes, some symptoms are considered much more common and more likely to lead to a diagnosis.

These symptoms include a frequent need to urinate, abnormal thirst or hunger, unintentional weight loss, blurred vision, fatigue, skin changes, slow healing sores on the legs or feet, and frequently recurring infections such as yeast infections, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). If you notice any of these or other signs of a blood sugar imbalance, check with your doctor.

Find out if you're at high risk for diabetes.

Knowing whether you're at high risk may also help you identify a problem sooner. According to the Mayo Clinic, if you are overweight, inactive, or have a family history of diabetes, you may be at higher risk for type 2 diabetes. According to the Clinic, your chance of developing diabetes increases with age, and if you are Black, Asian American, Hispanic, or Native American, you are more likely to get diabetes.

Having a personal history of certain conditions can also increase your chances of developing a blood sugar imbalance. These include having developed gestational diabetes during pregnancy, having polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), having high blood pressure, and having abnormal cholesterol or triglyceride levels.

Controlling your diabetes is crucial to your health.

If you have diabetes, you must manage your blood sugar levels and keep them within the target range. According to the CDC, this is the best way to "prevent or delay long-term, serious health problems [associated with diabetes], such as heart disease, vision loss, and kidney disease."

The health authority suggests tracking your blood sugar levels and noting what makes them spike or fall. Choosing foods that are lower in calories, saturated fat, trans fat, sugar, and salt, and eating controlled portions of healthy meals at regular times of day, will help you maintain a healthy weight and stabilize your glucose levels. The CDC further advises to get regular exercise, limit your alcohol intake, and replace juice and soda with water.

And, if you have not been diagnosed with diabetes but suspect that you may have symptoms, speak with your doctor immediately. A simple blood test can help you reach a diagnosis and take charge of your health.

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