If You Feel This in Your Throat, Get Checked for Cancer

Esophageal Cancer is deadly-and this is the single most common symptom.

Esophageal cancer may not be the first thing that comes to mind when thinking about your cancer risk. Despite this, the American Institute of Cancer Research estimates that approximately 16,000 Americans die each year from this type of cancer. Sadly, the five-year survival rate for esophageal cancer is just 20 per cent, partly due to a lack of standard screening measures and later onset symptoms. However, the prognosis can vary greatly depending on when you are diagnosed, and experts say the sooner you bring signs to your doctor's attention, the better your chances of recovery. Read on to learn the number one most common symptom of esophageal cancer and how it may affect you.

If it feels like you have trouble swallowing, it could be due to esophageal cancer.

According to the American Cancer Society, having frequent difficulty swallowing, also known as dysphagia, is the most common symptom of esophageal cancer (ACS). "Occasional difficulty swallowing, such as when you eat too quickly or don't chew your food properly enough," the Mayo Clinic explains. "However, persistent dysphagia is a serious medical condition that requires treatment."

Dysphagia causes people to feel as if food is stuck in their throat or chest, making swallowing difficult or impossible. Dysphagia can be painful for some patients, while it can also be uncomfortable for others who do not have pain in their throat.

This symptom can increase your choking risk.

The American Cancer Society points out that people who have dysphagia are more likely to have a severe choking incident and the risks of oesophagal cancer. Their site explains that this risk "gets worse over time as cancer grows and the opening inside the esophagus gets smaller," their site explains.

Ultimately, this may significantly affect one's diet, making it crucial for those with esophageal cancer to monitor their nutrition carefully. "When swallowing becomes harder, people often change their diet and eating habits. They chew their food more carefully and slowly, taking smaller bites, "ACS explains. "As cancer spreads, the situation may get worse. People might start eating softer foods that can pass through the esophagus more easily. They might avoid bread and meat since these foods typically get stuck. Some people's swallowing problems may become so severe that they cease eating solid foods and switch to a liquid diet. If cancer keeps growing, at some point, even liquids might be hard to swallow," their experts write.

Look out for these other symptoms of esophageal cancer.

You may notice several other symptoms related to esophageal cancer and difficulty swallowing. Chest pain, weight loss, a chronic cough, vomiting, or a hoarse voice are some of the symptoms. You may suffer pain in your bones if cancer has spread to them, and you may experience esophageal bleeding in severe or advanced forms of esophageal cancer.

However, ACS notes that having one or more of these symptoms does not necessarily mean you have esophageal cancer. "Many of these symptoms are more likely to be caused by other conditions," their experts say.

There's currently no routine screening for esophageal cancer.

Though the odds are in your favour that the cause of your symptoms is something other than cancer, it's still essential to tell your doctor what you're experiencing to rule it out because there is presently no routine screening test for esophageal cancer, according to the National Cancer Institute. "Esophageal cancer screening tests are being studied in clinical trials," their experts said. ACS adds that "it's rare for people without symptoms to be diagnosed with this cancer."

Speak with your doctor today if you notice prolonged difficulty swallowing, especially if any additional symptoms are present.

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