Doctors warn that this is what
increases the risk of pancreatic cancer.
Pancreatic cancer is responsible for 3% of all cancers in the U.S.
and approximately 7% of all cancer deaths. "Cancer is a complex set of
diseases. For some, lifestyle can play an important role and is one aspect of
the disease that we have some control over," says Sara Hiom, Cancer
Research U.K.'s director of early diagnosis. "Pancreatic cancer is a
disease with poor outcomes and is less well understood, so it's important that
we talk about the things people can do to stack the odds in their favour and
reduce their risk." Here are five habits that increase your chances of
developing pancreatic cancer. Continue reading.
1. Chronic Pancreatitis
Experts warn that chronic pancreatitis (pancreatic inflammation)
is strongly linked to pancreatic cancer. According to a study published in the
journal Digestive and Liver Disease, "the risk of pancreatic cancer is
markedly increased in chronic pancreatitis patients compared to the general
population, especially in patients with an older age at onset and a >60
pack-year smoking history.
2. Obesity
According to the American Cancer Society, a BMI of over 30 is
linked with a 20% higher risk of pancreatic cancer. Obesity has been linked
with a lower survival rate in people diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.
"This study adds to mounting evidence for the role of weight control in
improving outcomes for patients with cancer. It also reinforces the importance
of maintaining a healthy weight throughout your life, which may lead to better
outcomes after diagnosis and help prevent pancreatic cancer from
developing," says Brian M. Wolpin, MD, MPH.
3. Type 2 Diabetes
Diabetes type 2 could be a sign of pancreatic cancer.
"Diabetes Mellitus type 2 is a risk factor for pancreatic cancer, as well
as a symptom and a prognostic factor. Up to 80% of pancreatic cancer patients
present with either new-onset type 2 diabetes or impaired glucose tolerance at
the time of diagnosis," according to an article published in JOP: Journal of the Pancreas. "Molecular biomarkers will be important in determining
which patients with new-onset diabetes should be screened for pancreatic cancer
with endoscopic ultrasound."
4. Exposure To Toxic Chemicals
There is growing evidence that exposure to some chemicals,
especially pesticides, benzene, certain dyes, and petrochemicals, may raise the
risk of pancreatic cancer. According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, "excessive
exposure to dry cleaning and metalworking chemicals may increase pancreatic
cancer risk."
5. Smoking
Smoking significantly increases the risk of pancreatic cancer,
particularly in people who have a genetic predisposition to the disease. One
study concludes that "patients with a family history of pancreatic cancer
should be strongly advised against smoking, and smokers with a family history
of pancreatic cancer should be informed of their higher risk and offered
enrollment in a smoking cessation program."
6. When Should I See a Doctor?
If you are experiencing any symptoms causing concern, talk to a health professional as soon as possible to rule out any potential health issues.