The 11 Newest Coronavirus Symptoms You Need to Know About

If you suffer any of these symptoms, seek medical help.

COVID-19 is causing new symptoms every day, according to doctors. In addition to the signs that have been widely reported—fever, shortness of breath, and so on—some individuals are experiencing symptoms that are now considered unexpected. Here's a summary of what doctors are seeing. To keep your friends and family healthy, share it with them.

1. Rashes That Look Like Chickenpox

Dr Christine Traxler explains, "This is an unusual symptom that appears differently on everyone with COVID-19." "Some people will have hives, some may have rashes from tiny broken blood vessels in their foot, and others will have symptoms that are quite similar to chickenpox."

"These rashes are thought to be the body's immune response to the virus's inflammation," Dr Monique May says. "Rashes can appear on the chest or torso, as well as the legs, fingers, and toes."

2. Anosmia and Dysgeusia

Dr Lili Barsky adds, "Diminished sense of smell and taste, respectively, are interesting manifestations of COVID-19." "While anosmia and dysgeusia can occur with other upper respiratory viral infections as a result of nasal congestion, the interesting thing with COVID-19 is that they can be the initial and only symptoms."

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3. Neurological Issues

"Another possible manifestation that has become widely recognized, particularly among the elderly, is dizziness and altered mental status that is not otherwise explained," adds Dr Barsky.

"COVID has also been linked to other neurological symptoms like severe headaches, loss of consciousness, and paresthesia, which is a burning or prickling feeling in the hands and feet," says Dr Leann Poston.

4. Gastrointestinal Issues

Dr Barsky says that "abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhoea are becoming more generally recognized." "While many people appear to come with cardinal fever and respiratory symptoms, diarrhea and other gastrointestinal symptoms can also be a sign of the virus's presence in their body. Stool has also been found to contain the virus."

5. Blood Clots

In COVID, Dr Poston notes, "Changes have been observed in the way blood clots are reported." "COVID may cause damage to the inner lining of blood vessels, which could explain why persons with high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease have a greater morbidity rate."

6. Heart Issues

"In patients with severe COVID symptoms, heart symptoms such as heart attack and heart arrhythmias are found," explains Dr Poston.

7. Look Out for Your Toes

"Covid toes, which cause the toes to appear purple or red and become tender or painful, are considered to be caused by inflammation or blood clots in the small blood vessels," Dr May explains. "These are more common in children and adolescents, and they usually fade away on their own within a few weeks."

8. Strokes or Other Large Blood Vessel Blockages

"Inflammation of the lining of blood vessels occurs," says family and emergency doctor Dr Janette Nesheiwat. "This can result in blood clots that travel to the brain and cause a stroke."

"A blood clot in a larger artery affects the deep veins of the legs, the arteries leading to the heart, or the arteries leading to the brain," Dr Traxler explains. "As a result, COVID-19 individuals, especially those who are ordinarily young, may experience strokes or heart attacks as atypical findings."

9. Sudden Respiratory Failure

As Dr Traxler explains, "This is sometimes seen in younger patients who begin to improve but then experience a sudden decrease of lung function and death from acute respiratory failure within a few hours." "A cytokine storm could cause sudden failure of the body's major organs and shock in young people. The cytokine storm is the production of immune molecules as part of an overwhelming and hyperactive immune response that kills the patient as a result of the immune response's effect rather than the infection itself."

10. Pink Eye

Dr Yuna Rapoport, an ophthalmologist, adds, "As an ophthalmologist, I have seen COVID-conjunctivitis multiple times while on call the hospital." "Itchy, watery, red eyes, sometimes with clear discharge, sometimes with mucus discharge" are symptoms that are similar to regular pink eye.

11. New Symptoms in Young Children

If your kid has a rash or peeling skin, a stomachache, an enlarged lymph node, a fever, difficulty breathing, or any of the other Subtle Signs Your Child Has Coronavirus, see your doctor right away. They've only recently been found, so doctors are struggling to figure out how to treat the illness in children.

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