The #1 Worst Food For Your Child's Brain, Says Study

This food may harm your child's development.

Making the right dietary choices for your children can be difficult, especially if you are unaware of what is healthy and not for their growth.

This is especially scary when you consider the importance of their developmental stages and the impact that diet can play in these stages of development, not only in terms of physical development but also in terms of mental and behavioral development.

Junk food is the absolute worst form of diet for your child's brain, according to a 2020 report published in The Lancet: Child & Adolescent Health.

Continue reading to learn more about the report's findings.

The nature of the report

Three brain and nutrition researchers from Western University in London, Ontario, looked at over 100 different studies for this report. The studies looked into how poor diet choices can damage children and the adolescent brain and included some of the researchers' previous work.

What they discovered

According to the report, children and teenagers consume excessive calorie-dense junk food, which hurts their brain development.

The pre-frontal cortex, the part of the brain responsible for memory, attention, and impulse control, is still developing in the adolescent brain.

The effect of junk food on a developing pre-frontal cortex, according to the study, can hurt your child's ability to "self-regulate" their food choices.

How too much junk food can impact your child's brain and future

Higher consumption of junk food is known to lead to unhealthier eating habits in adulthood, which may contribute to obesity later on, according to this report, because junk food may affect a child's ability to control their eating.

Not only may it affect impulse control, but a separate cohort study published in Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology found that low nutrition quality was connected to higher levels of depression in adolescents.

In addition, according to a new study from the University of Georgia, added sugar in childhood may lead to memory loss in adulthood. However, more research is required because this study was done on mice.

Healthy foods for your child's brain

So, with all of this knowledge, how can you make the required dietary modifications to guarantee that your child's brain is in good hands?

According to a 2017 review, a child's healthy diet should include lots of nutrients like protein, carbohydrates (not refined carbs), healthy fats, iron, vitamins A, C, and D, and B vitamins.

Leafy greens, Greek yogurt, fatty fish, and eggs are all recommended as part of a brain-healthy diet by Doctors.

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