The #1 Best Diet to Protect Your Kidneys, New Study Says

This dietary pattern may help preserve kidney function, according to new research.

Your kidneys' ability to keep you safe and healthy may be affected by the foods and beverages you consume. Excessive soda and alcohol consumption can cause serious harm, but diets high in potassium and protein can help protect these essential organs. New research reveals that eating a Mediterranean diet, which includes plenty of extra virgin olive oil, can help preserve kidney function, particularly in people who have had heart problems in the past.

The study, published earlier this month in Clinical Nutrition, the official journal of ESPEN (The European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism), looked at over 1,000 patients with coronary heart disease (specifically those who have suffered a coronary event six months ago or more). Half of the individuals were assigned to follow a Mediterranean diet rich in extra virgin olive oil, while the other half were assigned to a low-fat, high-complex-carbohydrate diet.

"Our main findings are that, as compared to a low-fat diet, long-term consumption of a Mediterranean diet—one rich in monounsaturated fat from olive oil—slows and protects kidney function in people with coronary heart disease," says study co-author Elena Yubero Serrano, PhD.

The study discovered that both diets were linked to enhanced kidney function, with the high-EVOO Mediterranean diet having a significantly more significant positive effect.

Because your kidneys do more than just clear waste and excess fluid, maintaining kidney health is critical for those with coronary heart disease. They also play a crucial role in your heart health, according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, which is part of the US Department of Health and Human Services' National Institutes of Health. Kidney disease can contribute to high blood pressure. If you're concerned about your heart, keeping an eye on your kidneys can be worthwhile.

"Start small if you're new to the Mediterranean diet and lifestyle," advises Julie Andrews, MS, RDN, CD, FAND, owner of The Healthy Epicurean. "Set goals for yourself, such as eating more fruits and vegetables and consuming less processed meat. Then, make an effort to consume more omega-3-rich fish."

"Then switch to 100 percent whole grains and try to eat more beans," Andrews adds. "By focusing on one or two small goals at a time, you can gradually implement and sustain a healthy lifestyle."

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