Sure Signs You Have Lung Cancer, Says CDC

Knowing the warning signs can help you in receiving treatment sooner.

Dustin Diamond died of lung cancer at the age of 44, and his death came as a shock, not only because he was so young but also because it happened so quickly. The CDC states, "Various people have different symptoms for lung cancer." "Some persons experience symptoms that are related to their lungs. Some persons with lung cancer who have spread to other parts of the body (metastasized) experience symptoms specific to that part of the body. Some folks simply have a general feeling of unwellness. The majority of people with lung cancer do not have symptoms until the condition worsens. Symptoms of lung cancer may include: "as follows: Continue reading.

1. You May Have Coughing That Gets Worse or Doesn't Go Away

"Anyone suffering from a cough that displays the following symptoms should seek medical attention as soon as possible:

  • blood or rust-coloured mucus or phlegm
  • shortness of breath
  • chest pain
  • infections such as bronchitis or pneumonia that recur or do not go away

Lung cancer coughs can be dry or wet, depending on the stage of the disease. It can happen at any time and disrupt sleep, "Medical News Today reports on this phenomenon. "The majority of persons who develop lung cancer have a smoking history. Smoking can also irritate the lungs, resulting in a cough that lasts just a short time."

2. You May Have Chest Pain

According to the American CancerSociety, "chest pain is normally made worse by deep breathing, coughing, or laughing."

3. You May Have Shortness of Breath

"The medical word for difficulty breathing is dyspnea. It's a common symptom of lung cancer or lung cancer that has spread. Dyspnea is a condition in which you have trouble moving air in and out of your lungs. Dyspnea can also be caused by a lack of oxygen in your lungs "The University of Rochester Medical Center reports on this. "Dyspnea is a breathing disorder that causes difficulties or shortness of breath in victims. They frequently relate it to suffocation or being suffocated. If you believe you are unable to breathe, you may feel anxious or panic. Your anxiety and fears can worsen your dyspnea. Panicking might cause you to get more breathless and begin a cycle that is hard to stop down."

4. You May Have Wheezing

According to the Mayo Clinic, wheezing can be caused by inflammation and narrowing of the airway in any location, from your throat to your lungs. "Asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which both cause narrowing and spasms (bronchospasms) in the small airways of your lungs, are the most common causes of recurrent wheezing." It's also possible that lung cancer is at blame.

5. You May Cough Up Blood

The medical name for coughing up blood "is hemoptysis, or the presence of blood in the sputum (spit or phlegm) coughed up from the lungs. Hemoptysis affects 7-10% of lung cancer patients when they are first seen by a medical professional, and around 20% experience it over the course of their illness. In the United States, lung cancer is a leading cause for 23% of all hemoptysis " reports on this.

6. You May Feel Tired All the Time

"Throughout the course of the disease, fatigue is the most frequently reported symptom in lung cancer patients, and all international guidelines recommend early screening for cancer-related fatigue (CRF) and symptoms that can affect patients' quality of life," according to a study published in Dove Press. Pain, depression, and insomnia are commonly seen simultaneously in individuals with lung cancer but are typically treated as separate diseases despite having common biological mechanisms.

7. You May Have Weight Loss With No Known Cause

According to the British Journal ofCancer, "weight loss is common at presentation in patients with lung cancer and mesothelioma, and a frequent cause of patient concern." "An imbalance between energy intake and energy expenditure causes weight loss."

8. You May Also Have These Symptoms

"Repeated bouts of pneumonia and swollen or enlarged lymph nodes (glands) inside the chest in the area between the lungs are other changes that can sometimes occur with lung cancer," the CDC notes. "Other conditions can also cause these symptoms. If you're experiencing any of these symptoms, speak with your doctor, who can help you figure out what's causing them."

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