One Major Side Effect of Eating Cucumbers, Says Science

They're good for a lot more than just adding crunch to your salad.

Cucumbers are one of the most underrated fruits on the planet—yes, you read that right. Cucumbers are technical—and botanically—a fruit, not a vegetable because they develop from flowers and contain seeds. Cucumbers are frequently marketed as a beauty superfood due to their high water content (they're 95% water!) and superior hydration ability. In addition to eating cucumbers, this fruit includes vitamin K and anti-inflammatory plant compounds that can help de-puff eyes and treat dark circles when sliced and applied topically.

Cucumbers have a tremendous impact on your heart health, more essential than their cosmetic benefits. Cukes, it turns out, can help your cardiovascular system in several ways. Here's how.

1. They help control blood sugar.

Low-carb diets have long been recognized to help control blood sugar levels, and now several animal studies suggest that cucumbers, in particular, may help lower blood sugar levels. Lower blood sugar levels mean less harm to your blood vessels and the nerves that control your heart. Cucumber peel (which contains minerals and fibre) was shown in another study to cure many diabetes-related indicators, including blood sugar levels. Therefore, do not peel the peel!

2. They can assist in lowering blood pressure.

Cucumbers help enlarge blood vessels (vaso), which can help to lower blood pressure and minimize the risk of heart disease. Cucumber juice, when consumed for 12 days, was proven to help reduce blood pressure in older persons, according to a 2017 study. Doctors advise patients with high blood pressure to eat low-sodium foods, and cucumbers are a great option (as long as you don't salt them!). They also include magnesium and potassium, which can help reduce blood pressure by promoting sodium excretion through the urine.

3. They protect your heart.

Cucumbers can't protect you from emotional heartbreak (which is unfortunate), but they can safeguard your heart in other ways. Because their antioxidant capabilities effectively scavenge damaging free radicals in studies (they contain flavonoids, those plant compounds). What effect does this have on your ticker? Antioxidants fight oxidative stress, a chemical process that produces damaging free radicals and has been linked to cancer and heart disease.

4. They help prevent clogged arteries.

According to studies, Cucurbitacins (plant chemicals) is a natural therapy for atherosclerosis, the harmful build-up of fatty substances on artery walls.

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