Here's When COVID Will End, Predict Experts

Will the pandemic ever end? Experts weigh in on the topic.

Most of us are tired of the pandemic and just want COVID to stop mutating and go away. "With this pandemic, the country is over with us," says Dr. Michael Osterholm, Director of the University of Minnesota's Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy. "The issue is that the infection is still with us. It will find you; there really is no way to time out on this one in the game. Even individuals who are partially vaccinated, with what would've been at least some protection against the virus in the past, will likely have very little protection against this one, unless they have had all three doses of the vaccine as recommended. So I believe we just have to keep hitting that point home. And, once again, this virus will find you if you do not get vaccinated." While experts are working toward an endemic, spreading speed at which it can occur is dependent on various of factors.  Doctors give their predictions on when the pandemic would end. Continue reading.

1. It Depends on How You Define "End"

Dr. Serhat Gumrukcu, an infectious disease expert and pioneering scientific researcher, explains, "Viruses evolve through a number of mutations that occur when they move from one host to the next. The COVID-19 virus has done different mutations, but not all of them have been able to break through the human immune system. With an increase in the rate of completely vaccinated individuals — combined with COVID-19 drugs that have recently been approved by the FDA — we may be able to get the virus to an endemic stage while also learning to live with it. As a result, there are just too many factors involved to predict an exact end date—much like the yearly influenza pandemic. COVID, on the other hand, may become less of a threat in the next years as we make progress with COVID-19 vaccinations and medication treatments." Do you want to go on a real date? Continue reading to find out what the forecast is.

2. Variants Will Prolong the Pandemic

Dr. Gwen Murphy, Ph.D., MPH, LetsGetChecked's Executive Director of Epidemiology, says, "A threat anywhere is a threat everywhere, as we're seeing with the omicron variant right now. As long as coronavirus is circulating somewhere in the world there is a threat of a variant developing which evades the vaccines. As a result, maintaining global vaccination coverage must be a top concern. Furthermore, we know that even those who have been vaccinated can catch and transmit the virus, so we'll have to get used to masking, social distancing, and regular testing as a way of life for the long being. There is a way out of the pandemic, but it will take time, so we must look after ourselves and our communities in the meantime."

3. What Can People Do to Help End the Pandemic?

Dr. Robert G. Lahita, MD, Ph.D. (also known as Dr. Robert G. Lahita) is a physician and researcher who works in the field of genetics "According to Dr. Bob"), Director of the Institute for Autoimmune and Rheumatic Disease at Saint Joseph Health and author of IMMUNITY STRONG (released on January 5, 2022), "besides from getting vaccinated, there is nothing people can do to help end the pandemic." For themselves and others, they should become vaccine advocates. If you aren't vaccinated, I predict that you will catch COIVD at some point, whether you like it or not."

4. 2023 Could Be the Year

"I believe it will become endemic by 2023," Dr. Bob predicts, "which should give us enough time to get more people vaccinated and strengthen our immunity." "I believe that by 2023, enough people will have been vaccinated and developed immunity for the pandemic to become endemic, similar to the flu, with yearly injections for everyone and no masking or other restrictions. I also hope that people continue to understand more about how their immune systems work and what will and will not strengthen them. Diet, exercise, pleasure, and stress release, as I often say, all lead to a better immune system."

5. What Does the 'End of the Pandemic' Really Mean?

Dr. Bob says that "It indicates that, like the flu, the pandemic will become "endemic." It will still remain with us in some way, but we won't have to take as many precautions as we do now, such as masking and restricting travel."

6. What Living with COVID Could Look Like

"There will be no masks or restrictions after Covid is gone," Dr. Bob explains. "We'll most likely need a booster shot every year, just like the flu. If we develop symptoms, I expect there will be additional home tests and a variety of techniques to test for Covid yourself. I believe that by 2023, the requirement to show vaccination cards in order to visit businesses or travel would be removed."

7. How Omicron and Other Variants Factor into the Timeline

According to Dr. Bob, "The Omicron variation spreads 70 times faster than the Delta variant. With Omicron, symptoms are likely to be mild, and with any of the Covid variants, symptoms are likely to be reduced if you are vaccinated. If you aren't vaccinated, you could end up in the hospital – or perhaps die – if you catch one of the more severe variants, such as Delta."

8. How to Stay Safe Out There

Get vaccinated or boost your immunizations as soon as possible; if you live in an area with low vaccination rates, wear a N95 face mask, avoid large crowds, don't go indoors with people you aren't sheltering with (especially in bars), practice good hand hygiene.

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