According to a New Study, Drinking Cranberry Juice Has One Major Effect


It isn't what you are thinking! Researchers in dentistry have discovered a surprising benefit for people of all ages.

You've undoubtedly heard for years that cranberry juice is good for your urinary health (which is true) or even that it's good for your gut health (which is also true) (also demonstrated to be accurate). An intriguing study has now discovered another benefit of drinking the juice of this tiny tart berry. Continue reading—you might find something that makes you laugh.

"Polyphenols in edible berries and tea plant (Camellia sinensis) decreased virulence factors of oral infections," according to a study published June 28 in the peer-reviewed journal Beverages. To explain, a group of researchers from the University of Illinois at Chicago's School of Dentistry discovered that antioxidant-rich berries, such as cranberry juice, may block the growth of bacteria that cause tooth decay.

The researchers wanted to see if packaged teas and juice beverages had any effect on children's dental health. To study this, they collected plaque from above the gumlines of 16 children ranging in age from seven to eleven years old. The participants were then given a selection of 26 "packaged teas, ready-to-drink bottled raspberry-flavored teas, and cranberry juice drinks with and without added sugars."

Indeed, when they obtained another plaque sample after 24 to 48 hours, they noticed that several of these drinks inhibited the growth of Streptococcus mutans, a bacterium linked to plaque formation, and supragingival plaque bacteria.

Cranberry juice drinks appeared to be the most effective at warding off these germs, with brands like Ocean Spray Cranberry Juice Cocktail, Ocean Spray Diet Cranberry, and Simply Cranberry reducing Streptococcus mutans growth and biofilm formation by more than 90%.

As a result, the researchers believe that moving youngsters from soda to these types of juice drinks are beneficial to their dental health—they say: "Antimicrobial plant polyphenols in beverages lower plaque adherence, may improve oral health, and are favored over sugary beverages. The concept of preventing oral disorders with natural foods and lifestyle is novel, realistic, and accepted." 

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