Government Accounting - Notes

Government Accounting - Notes


  • Government accounting is a process of collecting, recording, classifying, summarizing, interpreting, and reporting to the concerned authority
  • Reflects all the transactions which involve receipt, transfer, and disposition of governments fund or property
  • Principles and procedures of government accounting are governed by govt financial rules regulations and acts that may provide relevant financial information.

Characteristics of Government Accounting:

  • Based on the double-entry system
  • Government regulations – prepared as per govt regulations
  • No motive for P&L except in governmental co
  • Based on the Budget and its control mechanism
  • Banking transactions
  • Auditing
  • Information – receipts, transfer, and disposition
  • cash accounting principle
  • budget head

Objectives of Government Accounting:

  • maintain systematic records of financial transaction of govt
  • excess expenditure beyond the limit of budget
  • Provide financial stat
  • Safeguard assets and other materials
  • Facilitate auditing
  • Communicate annual report

New Accounting system of GON:

  • The old system proved unsuitable, impracticable, and lacked uniformity for the fulling needs of the country.
  • Bhuktani siesta pranali also became unsuitable to record all revenue and expenditure of the country account committee was formed in 20th Magh, 2017 BS
  • After a detailed study of 288 days committee presented a draft as suggestions and recommendations for a systematic, decentralized, scientific, and efficient accounting system
  • Draft approved on 20th Magh 2018 BS by then auditor general
  • Got a nod of King on Chaitra 2, 2018
  • Implemented in Kathmandu Valley from FY 2019/20
  • Implemented all over Nepal from Shrawan 2025

Features of New Accounting System:

  • Based on double entry
  • Cash basis accounting
  • Emphasis on banking transaction
  • Based on a budget head
  • Secrecy
  • Flexibility
  • Use of brackets
  • Use of different forms
  • Uniformity and simplicity
  • History of financial transaction
  • Budgetary control

Advantages of new accounting system:

  • Financial administration
  • Formulation of plan & policies
  • Reflect financial transaction
  • Usefulness for audit
  • Limitations of New Accounting System:
  • Lack of mechanism
  • Less emphasis on assets
  • Cash basis of accounting
  • Lack of proper information
  • Advance payment treated as an expenditure
  • Provision controlling inventories

Limitations of New Accounting System:
  • Lack of mechanism
  • Less emphasis on assets
  • Cash basis of accounting
  • Lack of proper information
  • Advance payment treated as an expenditure
  • Provision controlling inventories

Difference between Government and Commercial accounting:

Difference between Government and Commercial accounting:

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